Monday, May 5, 2008

Soup - class

College line started to get stupid again, and I can't login to blogger as usual and now I'm actually using someone else's connection. We learnt about soup on last last friday, which dated 25 April. Didn't get to take pictures of ALL of our fellow classmates' works so, there are only a few here.

Desty & Niisa making meatballs for their Consomme

French ... soup and toast with cheese. This is DAMN DELICIOUS!! I forgot the name by the way.

Consomme with meatball

My own Cream of Mushroom

Thanks to Hester on that day to teach me how to 'see' the thickness of the soup and the seasoning, or else our group will be 'fired' again. Then again, it's hard to get something suit the lecturer's taste. She kinda like salty stuff, but different people prefer different degree of @@ It's hard to get stuff she liked.

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