Sunday, August 24, 2008

Technologies nowadays

And now, presenting technologies nowadays, or.. kids nowadays

Showing off food and gadgets at different places

Harassing technologies. Name the items that are found in the pic. =p

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Melaka NIGHT trip

Guess where am I?

Eye on Melaka

Reflection from the river

Double Town

RM5 per ride.

The Ship

Spotted 1 very kyute old truck at PD, but didn't get to snap a pic of it.
Must snap every single old car that I see now.

Long post to be posted in my original blog, let's skip it and just let me post the pictures here. I hate the alignments on blogger now. Even using default layout, it's getting annoying now. JUST came back not long from my NIGHT-trip.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Caged Tiger

Tiger, like always is SOOO curious that this time it went inside a I-don't-know-what-its-called-in-english. And it somehow looks like it's being caged inside.

Somehow resembles Puss-in-boots?
(I mean the eyes)

"Bring me along too"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mocha Cake

I finally get to play 'decorating' cakes. It's not really that pretty, but oh well I'm new to it and I'm kinda happy with it. It looks kinda nice in someways. It's actually Ms EMQ's bday present.

I don't have the 'turning-thingy', so doing this manually...

EMQ trying it herself

It actually reads her name in katakana. (Notice it anyone?)

Looks pretty, no?
VERY shiny

My request list just stacked up now. To my dear friends reading this, please 'queue' if you want one =p Although it looks... not that nice. I need time to practice yo~

Friday, August 1, 2008

New York Cheesecake

My uncle requested a cheesecake for his birthday. Don't know what to bake and wanting to try out new things, and here is moi New York Cheesecake + choco ganache.

Without the coating

My error with the ganache, it looks oily.
But when it's 'accustomed' to the room temperature, it looks pweety

My 1st time with 'decorating'

I LOVE my cheese layer.
It's SMOOTH and's SMOOTH and the taste is *hearts*
My crust, I'm not happy with it.
My choco, the taste itself is nice.
But it doesn't go well with my cake actually =\

Making this thing basically took me half a day. From 11am till around 6pm. It's not a continuous work, but it needs time to cool down and stuff. It's fun nonetheless. Alot peoples' birthday is on 1st Aug. Lucky not ALL of them are here now. I'll go pokai for sure and I certainly don't like to take pics at night.